How This Started

A few years ago I wrote my first blog post. Unknown to me at the time was how much I would enjoy sharing the wisdom spoken through my Inner Voice. Today I thought I would explain how all of these posts originate. I’ll start with a true story, that is part of the foundation of my present life experience. 

I was in Moab, Utah with some friends, our plans were to ride motorcycles all day. We had hired a guide to lead us on many unknown trails. As we were having breakfast, I felt a powerful gut feeling to stay in town and just relax. But because I didn’t want to disappoint my friends, I  ignored the gut feeling. 

As you would imagine the day was cut short and it didn’t go well for me. I misjudged a rock outcrop which caused me to injure myself. As I sat in the emergency room, I could piece together the events of my day. 

I could clearly see the connection between my wreck and the gut feeling that I had ignored. You could argue that the gut feeling had disrupted my focus and contributed to the wreck. Yet at other times when I was in the wilderness alone hiking, and I felt this feeling, I would turn around and things would work out great. 

This incident in Moab was not the only case where I had ignored my gut feeling. Each time, I could clearly see the connection between the gut feeling, my reaction to the feeling—turning around or going forward—and the end result. I’m a guy, at times testosterone rages more than sense. 

For some reason I had a pattern of ignoring these feelings. I remember saying that this—being in the emergency room—will never happen to me again. I was committed to learning to trust what this voice was telling me, intuition, instincts or gut feeling, I would honor the guidance. 

Add this to my desire to reach a higher state of connection to my life. As I was writing in a journal—as I often have and still do—I began to hear a loving voice answering my many questions. It wasn’t only the voice that surprised me, it was the tremendous love that was racing through my body as I had my first conversation with my Inner Voice. 

Ever since then the conversations continue anytime that I am in a place of center and balance. The flow of love has continued as well, which is the biggest surprise for me. Through these conversations, I am always guided to a place of love for myself and all those in my life experience—even those that challenge me on many levels.

So here I am sharing the wisdom spoken through this powerful source of love, sharing them with you. If you were to go back through my two years of posts you will notice that each post has a foundation of love, kindness and compassion. These conversations have changed the way that I experience the world around me. Although I at times I may get upset or frustrated, I can quickly return to a state of center, knowing the power of this inner wisdom. 

My intention is to share this wisdom so that you can create a place of center when life becomes challenging for you. Knowing that love is the destination, and that this love will be voiced through your instincts, intuition and gut feelings, will help you locate this place center when times get tough. 

The wisdom of my Inner Voice has never let me down, or led me astray, nor will yours when you learn to trust your inner wisdom. But that is the challenge isn’t it, to trust a funny gut feeling as powerful loving guidance, then have the courage to make the right choices with this new information. 

There you have it, years of my life—years of transformation—in a number of paragraphs. Yet it all comes down to trust. Is it possible to learn to trust the unseen gut feeling, or do you have to wait until you are in the emergency room, as I have? Hopefully you won’t be as stubborn as I was.

If you have any questions, please leave me a comment below or email me at, I am always open to expanding the conversation further. 

Each week I send out an email conversation with my Inner Voice, this week we discuss
acceptance. Do we accept ourselves with love and compassion, or not? If not, then why? 
If you would like to receive this weekly conversation there is a box at the bottom of this page to do so. Or email me at the above address. Your privacy is my main concern. 

If you would like to read more of my conversations with my Inner Voice, check out my monthly columns in New Spirit Journal,, or Conscious Shift Magazine,

Thank you for reading this blog post, I truly appreciate your support.

Peace and Well-Being.

Copyright Paul Hudon 2020


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