Set Them Free


There is a saying that goes, “If you love someone set them free.” This sounds like great advice yet there may be a fear that by setting them free, we will lose them. So instead of setting them free, we tighten our grip, thereby stifling their growth.

The question we must ask ourselves is, “Do we love them enough to allow them to live to the fullness of who they are meant to be?” Isn’t that the sign of true love, allowing our partner to live a life beyond their wildest dreams? What a gift it would be to support those we love in their quest to realize their full potential without condition, or limitations. Thereby giving them the space to explore the world, heal old wounds, and grow emotionally and spiritually. What a loving gift that would be.

If our love is true and strong then setting our partner free will benefit both of us. If we have children, then we are giving them the opportunity to explore the world unincumbered by our limiting beliefs. One way to look at this would be to see our love as the foundation for others to live their best life possible. In this way they can begin the journey of seeing just how far they can go.

One of the fears of setting those we love free, is they may not come back to us. But is this a good enough reason to hinder our loved ones ability to live to the fullness of who they are? If this is the case, it then becomes more about the wounds we have yet to heal.

When we choose to set those we love free, we accept this responsibility knowing that they may leave us, not only physically, but emotionally as well. But to give someone this gift we are also giving ourselves the freedom to see how far we can go as well.

It is here where we can recognize our fear as guidance. What is the root of our fear? Being alone? Or living beyond our wildest dreams? Think what life would be like if each person in the relationship allowed the other to explore the world on their terms, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Imagine how our life and our relationships would grow.

When one person in a relationship knows they have the loving support of the other, there becomes no need to leave the relationship, because they have the support of their partner. Love and support are the keys to a lasting relationship.

Any fulfilling relationship has two people who have no grounds to control the other. Control is not love, and love is not controlling. Love is freedom, and this freedom creates a lasting relationship that will stand the test of time and many of life’s challenges.


Are we courageous enough to set those we love free?

Let me know what you think,. I’m always open to exploring the subject further. Leave a comment or question below or email me at

Recently I published my book, “Your Inner Guidance, The Path to discovering Your True Happiness.” In it you will find chapters on self-love, teachers and students, synchronicity as guidance and forgiveness, to name a few. If you would like to purchase either an eBook or a paperback, click on the link.

Each week I send an article to those who have subscribed to my weekly. This week I wrote about finding comfort in fear. Here is an excerpt.

It appears as if people find comfort in their fear, even though fear is a negative place emotionally.

People will find comfort in their beliefs so there is little need to challenge their beliefs when they see proof of their beliefs throughout their day. To challenge a belief is to accept that their belief may not be serving their best interest. What then? In this case they find comfort in the fear they see in the world.

If you would like to read this article, or receive these weekly articles, scroll to the very bottom of the page where you will find a place to subscribe. Or email me at and I’ll add your name to the list.

I’m fortunate to write a monthly column for two online magazines. This month in New Spirit Journal you’ll find my article titled, “Elevating Consciousness.”

While in Conscious Shift Magazine you can find my article, “Gratitude”

Check out these great resources for inspiration, guidance, and wisdom.

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful adventure called life. I appreciate your support.

Peace and Well-Being, Paul


Copyright Paul Hudon 2021



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